Fore Sight
Foresight is the ability to predict, or the action of predicting, what will happen or what is needed in the future. Studies suggest that much of human daily thought is directed towards potential future events.
- User-friendly and intuitive Dashboard
- Unified data source on a Single Platform
- Rich guided stories with narrative and infographs to communicate actionable Insights
- Exports to other standard formats such as .doc, .xls, .ppt and .pdf.
- Integration through open API and complete developer tools

Sentiment Analysis
Multi Domain
Extract information from multi domain in real-time (i.e. live interview, newsfeed, FB, Twitter, RSS, Blogs, etc)
Extracted Data
Data stored in Big Data platform
Text Analytic - NLP
Natural language analytics to extract opinion based on the word taxonomy and word algorithm in neural engine
Sentiment Analysis
Dashboard and Reporting

Deep Search
The contents of the deep web range from pages that were not indexed by search engines, paywalled sites, private databases and the dark web.
- Visualize internal collaborative relationships across entities in real time
- Provide an INSIGHT information on relationship of your data.
“We help organizations protect and secure their ICT assets through a comprehensive approach covering people, process and technology.”
- Visualize and animate data on a Geo-Referenced Map
- Project interaction and activities between data

Examination System Platform
Secured Instant Messaging
- Encrypted & Trusted A communication platform using standard or your own customized encryption.
- Customizable analytics dashboard, web client and white label.